We are a company with high ethical standars. We will only use cookies or related tecnologies to make the system work and to enhance your experience. We do not use cookies for marketing purposes and we will not send your information to any partner.
If you have questions or you think that our system has failed protecting your privacy, please contact us to: info@wh-properties.com
In the next table will find information about the main cookies that we use and the reason to use it.
Name | Type | Usage |
laravel_session | Functional | This cookie is used to remember basic data as selected language and sent form status. |
accepted-cookies | Functional | A cookie to remember that you did accept cookies, so yo will not see the message again |
XSRF-TOKEN | Functional | This is a security token used to harden malicious uses of our systems. |
intercom-session-epzsanem | Functional | We use resales-online.com systems to manage properties. This is an internal cookie that stores WH Properties data, not user data. |
sid | Functional | We use resales-online.com systems to manage properties. This is an internal cookie that stores WH Properties data, not user data. |
ScreenSize | Functional | We use resales-online.com systems to manage properties. This is an internal cookie that stores your screen size to show the best images fitted to your screen. |
intercom-id-epzsanem | Functional | We use resales-online.com systems to manage properties. This is an internal cookie that stores WH Properties data, not user data. |